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GCE Ocean Technology Events
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We invite you to join our two-day subsea awareness course which is aimed towards engineers who are new entrants to the subsea industry. Employees and refresher candidates who need technology conversions within the offshore industry.
Forskningsrådet inviterer bedrifter til digitale SkatteFUNN-kurs med mulighet for individuell veiledning denne våren. På grunn av korona-situasjonen erstattes vårens planlagte SkatteFUNN informasjonsmøte og prosjektverksted med et digitalt kurs. Kurset vil bli avholdt over hele landet. Bedrifter som deltar på kurset kan dessuten booke individuelle, digitale møter med våre rådgivere og få råd om hvordan du setter opp et godt prosjekt.
The Subsea Innovation Day will be held as a digital conference this year. Sign up for the 28 April to learn more about technology challenges and opportunities seen from the major players in the industry.
Digital Conference
Success in Middle East market require long term proactive business development from foreign companies.
GCE Ocean Technology og Inventas inviterer til webinar om innovasjon og samhandling med eksempel i utvikling av vedlikeholdsrobot for Equinor.Dagens Covid-19 situasjon gir både behov for- og anledning til å tenke lenger frem med fokus på innovasjon og nyskaping, samtidig som en trenger bedre verktøy for tverrfaglig samhandling.
German and Norwegian energy markets are closely inter-linked, and the effort to create a European internal energy market will contribute to a further deepening of this relationship. How can Norway and Germany benefit from a deepening of ties in the energy sector? And which technologies will prosper in an energy market in continuous transformation?
Ekebergrestauranten, Kongsveien 15, 0193 Oslo
GCE Ocean Technology og Inventura inviterer til webinar om bærekraft: Hva, hvordan og hvorfor?
The Virtual International Partnering - Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy brings together companies and research organisation from across Europe and worldwide. This is a unique opportunity, organised in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network, to generate new contacts for business, technical co-ooperation and R&D. The model is time- and costefficient and results in business!
The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) showcases leading-edge technology for offshore drilling, exploration, production, and environmental protection. OTC is the world's foremost event where professionals meet to share technical advances, safety, environmentally focused solutions, and economic and regulatory impacts to advance the development of the offshore energy sector.
Innovation Norway is happy to invite you to attend the Official Norwegian Pavilion at OTC Houston in 2020, May 4th-May 7th.
Houston, Texas
We invite you to travel with us, as a united Norwegian delegation Norway2OTC, to the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston. Don't miss the Early Bird offer.
Forskningsrådet tilbyr et todagers kurs med praktisk trening i å skrive prosjektforslag til Horisont 2020. Kurset tar spesielt for seg de tre prosjekttypene Innovation Action (IA), Research and Innovation Action (RIA) og Coordinating and Support Action (CSA).
Learn how to attract financing by reducing and managing risk. 9am London | 10am Berlin | 12pm Dubai |4pm Hong Kong | 5pm Tokyo.
World Ocean Summit Insight Hour is a series of virtual events run by The Economist Group’s World Ocean Initiative to help ocean stakeholders navigate through the current uncertain times. In our first webinar in the series we will focus on the impact of the pandemic on the ocean economy and how to lay the foundation for a sustainable ocean economy.
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