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The first workshop on Artificial Intelligens & Data Science for Arctic: We invite you all to the virtual talks and discussions series hosted by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, starting from May 6th. We gather industry, government, academia, and engaged citizens who are willing to share their experiences and to learn across disciplines.
EUs nye forsknings- og innovasjonsprogram, Horisont Europa, har startet. Sammen med andre europeiske land kan vi i Norge bidra til å løse store samfunnsutfordringer blant annet innen helse, mat, digitalisering, fornybar energi, klima og samfunnssikkerhet. Her ligger det store muligheter for norske aktører som vil samarbeide med de beste i Europa og nå ut til nye markeder.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) emulates human intelligence process which involves extracting meaningful insights and patterns. In this event we are gone meet some companies who has harnessing automation for a future that works by using machine learning.
Sammen med Norsk olje og gass inviterer vi til temamøte om utstyrsdeling. Her får du oversikt over felles initiativ og plattformer, planlagte implementeringer og fremtidige muligheter som effektiviser industrien og gir nye forretningsmuligheter.
This webinar invites political figures from both countries to discuss the way forward for German Norwegian energy cooperation. The webinar will discuss how renewable and low carbon energy production can be ramped up to achieve necessary decarbonization in hard to abate sectors, as well as on what is needed to establish infrastructure for cross border exchange of hydrogen and ammonia.
Vi inviterer til webinar der du får presentert konjunkturbarometeret fra Sparebank 1 SR-Bank – en viktig temperaturmåler for næringslivet i Sør-Norge. Hva gjør pandemien med bedriftenes forventninger?
This webinar presents concrete initiatives on hydrogen production and value chain development with a bilateral perspective. The projects highlight the potential for further cooperation and synergies on hydrogen production, technology ramp up and on energy exchange. The discussion highlights opportunities and barriers that need to be solved.
We invite all entrepreneurs to join our MIT Entrepreneurship School led by Professor Bill Aulet, who is regarded as one of the world’s best lecturers within the field.
Join our webinar to learn more about possibilities for projects focusing on environmental monitoring and environmental observations, biodiversity and ecosystem services in Horizon Europe.
In order to reach the EU target of net zero emissions by 2050, efforts must be put into achieving negative emissions. What kind of political framework is needed, and how can business contribute?
A webinar series about opportunities for French-Norwegian collaboration. SMART PORTS: France is a global maritime player and they operate some of the busiest shipping routes in the world and have a strategic position thanks to the foreign territories. The two largest commercial ports, Marseille and Le Havre, are ranked among Europe's ten busiest ports and are the country's most active and advanced ports in terms of smart technology. France has clearly lagged behind other European countries in the modernization of ports. The lack of a long-term national strategy and insufficient investment in port infrastructure has challenged the weather and handicap for French ports, faced with increasing global competition. To meet this challenge, great efforts are now being made to assert France's status as a globally competitive maritime destination, and this opens up for solutions from Norwegian industry.
Vi inviterer til digital HAVlunsj i regi av NCE Maritime CleanTech denne gangen.
The EU, Germany and Norway put great emphasis on the importance of the ocean space to achieve deep decarbonization as well as for future value creation and industry development. Which visions should we have for offshore renewable energy production, and how can Germany and Norway benefit from closer cooperation on concrete projects?
The Hydrogen Blue Talks – Fuelling the future, is a hybrid one-day event aiming to set the stage for maritime’s energy transition. Hydrogen’s role in decarbonizing shipping, and the business opportunities for ocean industries, will form a natural focus for proceedings.
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